Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Today Myles turns 1 year old. I can't believe that this day last year I became a mommy. What a great feeling. He's grown so much in the past year.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

First Play Date

Last Saturday, my friend Nicole who I used to work with at ING Direct came over and brought her little bundle of joy, Mason. The two of them kind of just sized each other up at first because this was the first time Myles was the older baby. They pretty much just did their own thing until I brought out Myles' Saucer and Nicole put Mason in it. Myles was a little jealous and did not feel like sharing.

It was nice seeing Nicole and Mason because I haven't seen them since he was born back in November and to catch up. I can not wait to do it again. Hopefully next time Myles will have learned how to share a little bit.

Myles' 1st Easter

Myles had a great first Easter. The Easter Bunny visited our house and brought him some Graduate Puffs (peach flavored) and some Graduate Yogurt Bites (mixed berry flavored). He loved them and could not wait for mommy to open them.

In the afternoon, we went to Great Grandma and Grandpa Hemminger's house for the day. There, Myles got to go on his first Easter Egg Hunt. He had a blast. Of course, James and I had to find his eggs for him. And let me tell you, we must be pretty blind if it takes two grown adults to find one little plastic egg. We looked every where. We finally found it. Great Grandma decided to hide his last egg in a snake hole. James almost stepped on it too.

Here are some pictures from Easter. Enjoy!