Sunday, November 30, 2008

Myles in a Nutshell Over the Past 6 Months

Myles is 7 months old as of Friday so to get everyone up to speed here are some of the highlights that happened over the last 6 months.

The first couple of weeks were difficult with late night feedings, James going back to work, adjusting to being parents and not to mention that the doctor's gave me specific instructions not to do any strenuous activities due to me having a C-Section. I was pretty much on bed rest so to speak.

Before we knew it, four weeks had past and Myles was a month old. We got his pictures taken at JCPenney's and they turned out great. Unfortunately, Myles was asleep the whole time, but I would much rather have him sleep then be cranky.

At the end of June, Myles was two months old and that was when we had him baptized. He was great through the whole service.

I was scheduled to go back to work the first week in July and my mom had volunteered to watch him since she does not have to work in the summer. That helped out a lot because that would save us money and I would not have to drive as far to drop him off in the morning to go to work. Once the summer was over, Myles would be going to daycare at my cousin, Angie's house out in Kimball.

By the time September came around, Myles was 5 months old. He was sleeping through the night (thank God), being more observant of his surroundings, smiling, giggling, eating baby cereal, baby fruits, and baby veggies. He was at the point where you could interact with him more. He did not just lay there like he did in the first month or two.

October came and Myles got to celebrate his first Halloween. James and I decided to dress him up like a monkey. He looked so cute and adorable. We went trick or treating and he seemed to enjoy it.

Over the last 6 months, Myles has grown so much. He weights 22 lbs and is 26 inches long. His hair has come back, he can now roll all the way over onto is tummy, he can sit all by himself, he puts everything in his mouth that he gets a hold of, drooling like crazy so I am hoping that is a sign of teething, and he is now rolling around in his crib. We put him to bed on his back and when we wake up the next morning, he is on his side or his tummy.

I am excited to watch him continuously grow in the upcoming months and start to see his personality show and become his own person.

Being a mommy is the greatest feeling in the world!! I would not trade a second of it for anything.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

The Journey of Myles into the World...

James and I found out we were expecting a baby on the day of his mother's funeral so in her own way she left us the greatest gift anyone could ever ask for.

The day of our Ultrasound appointment when we were going to find out the sex our little one, I had all sorts of emotions. I was nervous... anxious... excited. When the Ultrasound technician finally told us we were having a boy, I could not have been more happy even though in the back of my mind I was really hoping for a girl. I actually had the technician double check to see and sure enough, Myles was positioned just right that he definitely was a boy.

My original due date was set for April 21st. Well that day came and that day went. Dr. Pinkerton let me go a week over before she decided to induce me. I was admitted to the hospital Sunday night where I was given Topex which is a pill that was inserted into my cervix to help it thin out and help start contractions, but it did not work.

Between 7:00 am - 8:00 am Monday morning I was put on Pitosin to help me start contracting even more then Dr. Pinkerton came in, checked to see how far I was dilated and when she checked me she said I was 3 cm dilated. I was so happy to hear that because ever since my 37 week appointment on, I was only dilated 1 cm so it was such a relieve to hear a different number. After she checked me, she then proceeded to break my water. Once she did that, about 20 minutes later, I could start feeling contractions and all I could think about was I want an epidural.

After I was given the okay to get an epidural, I got it. I knew from the moment I found out I was pregnant I wanted one because I have a very low tolerance for pain. The anesthesiologist came in around 11:30 am. It took him 6 tries before he could get the catheter in between my spinal bone. As soon as he got it in and it started working, I felt so much better. Unfortunately, the epidural worked a little too well. It numbed me all the way up to my neck and the nurse had to shut it off.

By the time I got feeling back in my neck it was around 3:00 pm. At this time, I could tell the epidural was wearing off because I could start feeling contractions again. Dr. Pinkerton came in to check to see how far along I was and I was still only 3 cm dilated. She then made a decision and she decided to go ahead and perform a C-Section because I was not dilating plus it was putting strain on Myles.

My C-Section was a bit different from most. I had to be put to sleep because when Dr. Pinkerton made her practice incision, I felt it. She said it was because from what had happened with my epidural earlier in the day. I was upset that I had to be put to sleep because that meant James would not be able to be in the operating room with me and I was not going to get that moment with Myles when he was first born.

In the end, James and I welcomed Myles into world and he is the greatest joy to have in our lives.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Blog Totally Devoted to Myles and Family

Since not everyone is able to see Myles on a daily basis, I created a baby blog totally devoted to him and our family. Now our friends and family can see what's happening in his life. Thanks Nicole for the great idea!!